Wildlife on Isla del Sol

Wildlife on Isla del Sol

Isla del Sol, located near St. Petersburg, Florida, is not only known for its picturesque waters and scenic views but also for its rich and diverse wildlife. The island, surrounded by the calm waters of Boca Ciega Bay and the Gulf of Mexico, provides a habitat for a variety of species. Whether you’re exploring the coastal areas or simply relaxing on the beach, you’ll encounter an array of fascinating wildlife.

Marine Life

1. Dolphins

  • Common Sight: One of the most iconic and frequent sightings around Isla del Sol, dolphins are often seen swimming and playing near the shore, especially in the calm waters of Boca Ciega Bay.
  • Where to Spot Them: Look for them from the beach or while kayaking, paddleboarding, or boating. Dolphin tours are also popular in nearby St. Pete Beach.

2. Manatees

  • Gentle Giants: Known as "sea cows," manatees can often be seen gliding slowly through the waters of the bay, particularly during the warmer months.
  • Best Viewing: They can often be seen in shallower waters and near docks, especially in the winter months when they migrate to warmer waters.

3. Sea Turtles

  • Occasional Visitors: Several species of sea turtles, such as loggerheads, nest in the nearby beaches, and they are sometimes spotted in the waters around Isla del Sol.
  • Conservation: The area participates in sea turtle conservation efforts, particularly during nesting season (May through October).

4. Fish and Marine Invertebrates

  • Abundant Marine Life: The waters around Isla del Sol are home to a wide variety of fish, including snapper, trout, and sheepshead. Along the rocky shorelines, you may also see crabs, starfish, and other invertebrates.
  • Snorkeling and Fishing: Snorkelers can catch a glimpse of colorful fish in the waters around nearby reefs, and anglers often find success fishing from the shore or by boat.


Isla del Sol is a birdwatcher’s paradise, with many species of coastal and migratory birds frequenting the island and surrounding areas.

1. Pelicans

  • Frequent Fliers: Brown pelicans are a common sight, often gliding just above the water’s surface before diving headfirst to catch fish.
  • Where to See Them: You’ll often spot them near piers and docks or perched on posts along the water’s edge.

2. Ospreys

  • Skilled Hunters: Known as "fish hawks," ospreys are regularly seen soaring over the bay and diving to catch fish. Their large nests can often be seen on utility poles or tall structures near the water.
  • Best Time to Spot: Early mornings and late afternoons are prime times to see these birds hunting.

3. Herons and Egrets

  • Elegant Waders: Various species of herons (like the great blue heron) and egrets are frequently seen wading along the shorelines or standing still, patiently waiting to catch small fish and crabs.
  • Top Viewing Spots: These birds are often spotted in the tidal flats and mangrove areas near the island.

4. Seagulls and Terns

  • Common Coastal Birds: Seagulls and terns are abundant and often found swooping over the water or resting on the beaches. Their aerial acrobatics as they dive for fish can be mesmerizing to watch.

Land Animals

Though Isla del Sol is primarily a residential and water-focused area, you may still encounter some land-based wildlife.

1. Raccoons

  • Nighttime Visitors: Raccoons are common around the island, especially near wooded areas or where food scraps are left out. They are nocturnal and most active in the evenings.

2. Gopher Tortoises

  • Shy Dwellers: Gopher tortoises are sometimes seen on or near sandy areas and dunes. These land-dwelling tortoises dig burrows and are protected, so be sure to keep your distance if you spot one.

3. Crabs and Small Reptiles

  • Along the Shoreline: Fiddler crabs, small lizards, and other tiny reptiles are often seen scurrying across the sand or along rocky areas. They play an important role in the local ecosystem.

Conservation Efforts

Isla del Sol and the surrounding areas are committed to wildlife conservation. Sea turtle nesting season is closely monitored, and local organizations work to protect habitats for manatees, dolphins, and birdlife. Visitors are encouraged to respect wildlife, avoid disturbing nesting areas, and follow "Leave No Trace" principles to preserve the natural beauty and biodiversity of the area.

With its rich variety of wildlife both on land and in the water, Isla del Sol is a perfect destination for nature lovers and wildlife enthusiasts. Whether you’re watching dolphins play or spotting rare birds, every visit to the island offers a chance to connect with nature.